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Price Guarantee

Price Guarantee

The changing economic conditions in the building stone class have a profound effect on the price of finished stone. The price of the finished stone is affected by many factors that cause a significant price change.
Factors affecting price include:
Copper prices in mine,
Selected coupe type (single coupon, double coupon, etc.),
Shipping cost from mine to factory location,
Type of stone cutting machine (peaks, saws),
The type of material used in the processing,
Dimensions of stone cutting As the dimensions are larger and more conventional, the finished price increases,
Type of packaging that varies depending on the type of bulk and wood and metal packaging,
The importance of stone is very important in the price of stone. The cleaner and purer the stone is, the higher the price of stone. There are dozens more in the process of stone production that affect the finished price of stone.
We help the customer choose the highest quality stone at the most reasonable price compared to different factories and guarantee our customer the quality of the stone and the price.




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.Unit 15, Floor 2, No. 2, Tabari Allay, Banihashem st., Tehran, Iran

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