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About Us

About Us


Online Store Sang24 , The first online store is a stone with the possibility of evaluation, comparison, and selection of online shopping stone way for buyers to facilitate rock and easy.

The store was founded in 1394 by Ms. Huda Nkvjv and in 1395 after the inception stages of design and programming.

Sang24 By maintaining prices, improving product quality and timely delivery, anywhere in this country and at any hour of the day, buy construction stone through the Internet is possible.


Sang24 Taking advantage of groups specializing in the design and support of the store,Set of kidney stones and foreign construction createdAnd interior and exterior made it possible for consumers to evaluate and compare the stone your requirements,Quality and reasonable price in the shortest time with the right packaging, The online purchase and take delivery within the time specified in their project location .

The aim is to make shopping quick and easy building stones for domestic and foreign consumers.




Contact Us

Address of Company Sang24:

.Unit 15, Floor 2, No. 2, Tabari Allay, Banihashem st., Tehran, Iran

Tel :021-22524253

Email: info@sang24.com

whatsapp: +98-9332225979

Tel: 021-22524253
whatsapp: +98-9332225979
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