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Arian Dehbid Marble

Arian Dehbid Marble

Arian Dehbid Marble

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  • CountryIran
    Water absorption(W.A %)0.8
    Special Weight(gr/cm Density )1275
    Porosity(Porosity %)1.02
    pushing resistance(kg/cm D.C.S)2.69
    Abrasion Resistance(Hard ness %)28
    Impact strength(cm)
    Heat expansion coefficien(mm/m°C)
  • This rock is part of the marble stones from Iran. The stone is located in Safa plain in Fars province.-
    This stone is a part of the rocky marble of Dehbid Arian, a combination of cream and silver colors and .... Application: It is used in the floor, internal walls, office environments, lobbies of hotels, buildings and units of stylish residential and commercial marble from Iran. The stone is located in Safa Plain in Fars province.
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